Because the bond you share deserves more than just one frame.
Enter a world of unparalleled storytelling. Step into a photo documentary that captures the essence of your relationship with your horse. Each image conveys its own unique narrative – a journey that showcases all its facets in a complete documentation.
Every relationship between human and horse is a story waiting to be told. It’s a journey of trust, growth, and unforgettable moments. Through my lens, I capture the magic of these moments — so they live on as beautiful memories you can treasure forever.
Unposed, emotional moments that tell your unique story!
A relaxed photoshoot with no stress for your horse!
Emotional artworks that capture the depth of your special bond!
You’ll receive a complete photographic documentation of your bond, presented as authentic prints.
Hi, my name is
...and I'm deeply inspired by the profound connection between humans and horses.
I am a passionate photographer specializing in equine photography with a focus on storytelling and documentary accompaniment. With over 20 years of horse-experience, I understand the intricacies of various training philosophies and bring this expertise into my work.
My photography is not about staged poses or perfection; it’s about authenticity - about capturing the bond, the trust, and the silent communication that make every partnership unique.
I can tell you a lot, of course —
but so can my clients!
Es ist ganz einfach...
Du buchst Dein kostenloses Vorgespräch.
Wir klären gemeinsam, welches Angebot das beste für Dich ist!
Wir treffen uns endlich persönlich für unser gemeinsames Fotoshooting.
Sei stolz auf eure Individualität!
Du hast dich aus einem bestimmten Grund dafür entschieden genau so mit deinem Pferd Zeit zu verbringen wie du es tust. Zeige euren ganz persönlichen Weg mit einzigartig ästhetischen Bildern.
Erinnere Dich an all eure gemeinsamen Etappen!
Eure gemeinsame Zeit schreitet zügig voran. Lass mich eure Entwicklung in künstlerischen Bildern festhalten. Damit du nie vergisst, wie viel ihr miteinander erlebt habt.
Sieh, wie weit Du schon gekommen bist!
Ihr seid schon viel weiter als du glaubst! Mit meinem achtsamen Blick zeige ich dir, wie verbunden dein Pferd mit dir ist.
Echte Bilder
Du brauchst keine langweiligen "Beautyshots". Spüre eure echte Verbindung. Zeige wie viel Abwechslung und Spass ihr miteinander habt in einer authentischen Fotodokumentation.
Kunst statt 0815
Zeige eure Freundschaft mit kleinen Kunstwerken, die der Einzigartigkeit eurer Beziehung gerecht werden. Weil: du brauchst nicht noch mehr 0815 Bilder auf deinem Handyspeicher.
Raum für Ausdruck
Erkenne in jedem Bild den ganz eigenen Ausdruck und Charakter deines Pferdes. Es soll entspannt zusammen mit Dir seine Individualität ausleben können. Kein Stress durch Geraschel mit Plastikbeuteln oder Winken mit Schirmen damit dein Pferd die Ohren spitzt und in die Kamera starrt.
Deinem Pferd sind Fotos egal!
Darum sollt ihr beide während dem ganzen shooting eine entspannte Zeit haben. Ohne Erwartungen nehmen wir uns so viel Zeit wie wir brauchen.
Du bist schön!
Dein Pferd interessiert sich nicht für Schönheitsideale. Aber ich verrate Dir ein Geheimnis: Unsere Pferde machen uns immer schön! Ganz besonders wenn wir das tun, was wir lieben. Überlass es mir euch in's perfekte Licht zu rücken.
How much does a photoshoot cost?You won’t just receive a beautiful photo—you’ll receive an entire visual story that captures the heart of your bond and the unforgettable moments you share. Every image is designed to reflect your unique connection, creating timeless memories that will stay with you forever. During our no-obligation consultation, we’ll dive into your vision and find the perfect package to bring it to life. Let’s create something truly extraordinary together. Photoshoots start at 790.- CHF.
Will I get glossy “beauty shots” from you?If you’re looking for photos that simply show off how beautiful your horse is, then I’m probably not the right fit. What I offer are images with depth and character—a diverse photo story filled with genuine memories of the moments you’ve shared together.
Does my horse need to know tricks?If your goal is to showcase as many tricks as possible during the shoot, I might not be the right fit. It’s the subtle moments, the in-between details, that make you and your horse unique—and those are the moments I capture with my camera.
But what if we can’t find a good photo location?Sometimes, there are horses that can’t leave the stable or barns that don’t seem picture-perfect at first glance. But trust me—with my trained eye, I can turn any location into a stunning backdrop. Let me surprise you!
What if we’re just getting started?No worries! You don’t need to perform or show off anything for a photoshoot with me. Often, it’s the simple, unspectacular moments that are the most beautiful. It doesn’t take much—just leave it to me and my expertise to perfectly showcase you and your horse.
Will you rustle plastic bags to get my horse to look at the camera?If having your horse stare straight into the camera with perked ears in every photo is your top priority, then I’m definitely not the right choice. Besides being stressful for many horses, I don’t believe it creates the most beautiful or meaningful results. A horse’s expression is complex and multi-layered. Let yourself be enchanted by the many faces and emotions of your horse.
But what if my horse is young or nervous?Special phases in your horse’s life are exactly the stories I love to capture most. They’re the moments that create images full of genuine emotion. With my creative approach, I’ll lovingly showcase you and your horse, no matter what stage you’re in. My top priority is ensuring that your horse stays relaxed throughout the entire shoot.
But what if we’re not photogenic?We are at our best when we spend time with our animals. This isn’t about stiff, posed portraits that make you feel awkward. You can fully focus on your horse and leave the magic to me. And I promise—you’re going to love the results. It’s not about perfection but about genuine moments and the connection between you and your horse. With my trained eye, I capture those instances that reflect your natural beauty and bond. Trust me—you’ll be amazed at how wonderful you both are!